Growth. Financing.
Income. Legacy.
Don't let another day go by not knowing your financial future. We can help.
We help you construct your own, modern day, tax-exempt savings account you can use throughout your lifetime, and which your family can use now and for generations in the future.
This process begins with an overview of the advantages of Self-Financing using Tax-Favored Accounts as an addition to your financial strategy.
Whether it involves saving interest on your purchases, employing a safe holding bucket for future purchases at reasonable tax-exempt interest rates, cost-effective saving for large purchases, i.e. college and automobiles, or augmenting your retirement income with significant amounts of "Tax Never" monthly checks, we will tell you up front that an analysis of your personal situation is paramount to the process.
In addition to our previous discussed strategies that we use in our practice, we make available the most advanced and user friendly financial and retirement planning software to our clients. Please review our 90 second videos on our Advanced Self Financing Course which you can access by clicking the tab at the top of the Home page.
Our highly qualified staff will gather your pertinent financial data, appraise your initial retirement plan chassis, present an executive summary of where you stand currently with your stated goals, and propose more tax-efficient alternatives.
In almost every case, our analysis will save clients thousands, even tens of thousands, of dollars in taxes and interest charges.
Our process is sound, simple, effective, and efficient--and most importantly of all, you will do nothing until you understand the ENTIRE strategy, are qualified to participate in the program, and are comfortable moving forward.